Git Programs For Mac

  1. Git Command Line For Mac
  2. Upgrade Git On Mac
  3. Git Programs For Machine Learning
  4. Git Mac Client
If you're a professional developer and regularly work with distributed teams, I'm sure you're familiar with Git. It's a powerful distributed version control system that is quite popular among the community of developers and programmers. Power users using this software are very much comfortable with the command line environment which allows them to complete the tasks rapidly. Though it's not a rocket science to master its command line directives, a user-friendly GUI based extension can help you grasp things easily after continuous usage for a few days. There are several Git clients with graphical interface one can use to manage his project repositories. Under the hood, these extensions use the power of Git directives and relieve you from somewhat cryptic commands while maintaining a very large project. We're going to look at some of the best and popular graphical Git clients which can help you kick-start your project workflow through this distributed version control system. Let's version control our code.
GitHub for Windows - I regularly use this Git client on my Windows machine to manage all of my local project repositories. It can be used to manage both local as well as remote project repositories hosted on GitHub service (both private and public). With a stunning interface, it is one of the most popular Git clients for the Windows platform. This client is only available for Windows 7 and up platforms and you cannot run it on Vista or XP machines. Installation is dead simple and you can get started with it instantly. Following are some of the killer features offered by this excellent graphical client for Git.

Download Git Bash for Mac & read reviews. Open source programming software. My Rec ommendation for SourceTree. My Recommendation for SourceTree. Users who install the software on their machines can communicate with each other through the system. An even better solution is collaborating over a centralized source (for example, GitHub) where developers can push and pull changes on the cloud. In this tutorial, you will learn how to install and get started with Git on Mac.

  • Light and impressive interface - As I mentioned before, its interface is very good and the application itself is lightning fast consuming very less system resources.
  • Actively updated - It has a very active development life cycle and new features are added to the application on a regular basis making it more powerful than its predecessor.
  • Free to use - The best part is that it is completely free of cost with no restrictions so one can use it without spending a single dime.
  • Works seamlessly - Since I'm an avid user of this client I never faced any usage issue till date while working and managing my projects through this powerful program.

Graphical GitHub Client for Mac OS X
GitHub for Mac OS X - And, this is the same client for the Mac platform. It has all the features and benefits its Window-based sibling has and it runs smoothly on any Mac machine. You need 10.9+ OS X to run this Git client. Its one-click functions can help you perform big tasks in a single go without any hassle. I've tested it on a 13' MacBook Air for about a week managing 2 repositories. There are subtle differences between the Windows and Mac client but overall the functionality is the same as matching options. Following features makes it one of the preferred Git clients for the Mac platform.
  • One click operations - As mentioned before, one can easily complete multi-step operations through a single click while working with this Git client.
  • Free to use - Needless to say, this Mac based client is free as well like its Window based sibling.
  • Active development cycle - This client has the same agile and active development life cycle which includes addition of key features and improvement of the existing ones.
  • Lightning fast - The application itself is a zipper and runs smoothly even on Mac systems with old configurations.

SourceTree - This is yet another powerful Git client available for both Windows and Mac platform that not only supports Git but several other distributed version control systems. It also has a rich and user-friendly interface with support of almost all of the common Git operations one can perform through a command line. I liked the prompts and visual hints this application gives to the users to ease the task. You can run it on Windows 7+ and Mac OS X 10.7+ systems. Following useful features are included in this excellent graphical Git client made for professionals and software developers.
  • Perfect for beginners - If you've never used Git before or just starting with it, this is the perfect Git client to start with.
  • Connects with multiple services - It is one of the few clients which include support of integration with popular Git flavored services.
  • Supports advanced operations - Powers users can easily take advantage of all the advanced Git options baked right inside this awesome client.
  • Free to use - And, this is yet another free Git client one can use without any restrictions with awesome new features added in each update.

Gitbox Git client for Mac OS X
Gitbox - This is the first premium category Git client included in this list which runs seamlessly on Mac platform. It is a 5 star rated application with a decent user base that itself is enough to give you a glimpse of its popularity. This Git client can easily integrate with several 3rd party applications and services to ease your entire project workflow. Through its easy-to-use interface, beginners and intermediate level users can easily manage projects with multiple branches and a distributed team. Let's check out some of the intuitive and helpful features offered by this powerful Git client application.
  • Stunning interface - Like every premium application, this Git client has an excellent interface with easy-to-use controls.
  • Powerful search - Its repository search is very powerful and can find information in a large project repository, almost instantly.
  • Advanced Git workflow - Power users can take all the advantage of advanced Git commands supported by this application.
  • Handy keyboard shortcuts - It also has a rich collection of keyboard shortcuts to help you get things done in a quick way.

Tower - It is one of the few Git clients for Mac platform which includes dozens of unique and intuitive features making it stand out amongst the crowd of other clients. It is used by developers working in big organizations to manage big projects. It comes with a fully functional 30-day trial version to get the feel of its power and simplicity. This is yet another premium solution which integrates seamlessly with popular 3rd party software development tools. It has one of the most extensive documentation to learn about its features and functioning. These features are part of this useful Git client.
  • One click operations - All standard and advanced Git commands can be completed in a single click while working with this application.
  • Automate selective tasks - Power users can also automate certain Git workflows to save time as well as to improve the entire workflow.
  • Clone in background - For very large projects, you can trigger cloning of repositories in the background while you work on other areas of the project.
  • Drag & drop support - Apart from point and click task completion, one can also take advantage of drag & drop feature to complete all the Git commands.

SmartGit Git Client
SmartGit - This premium Git client can run on Windows, Mac and Linux. It has several smart features and is best suited for professional teams working on big projects. Apart from GitHub, it also supports several other Git and SVN platforms. This application maintains a powerful log with the support of filters to keep watch on the internals. Very few Git clients have drag & drop support and this is one of those clients. It also silently fetches your favorite repositories in the background so that you can work on the active project without any hindrances. Check out some of the impressive features of this app.
  • Markdown support - All Markdown files in your project can be viewed in the supported format directly within this client without any need to rely on external viewer.
  • Optimized file comparison - It has one of the best file comparison utility that can clearly highlight the changes made throughout the file history.
  • Built-in SSH client - It also has a SSH client to easily connect with remote servers without leaving the application at all.
  • Custom commands - Power users can also integrate external tools by specifying custom commands and adding the options directly within the application's interface.

git-cola - This is one of the Git clients' ideal for power users and tech ninjas. It supports a large number of keyboard shortcuts to speed up the repository management process. It also includes a large number of configurable variables which can be used to change the appearance and behavior of the application. One can also create custom GUI actions to ease the workflow for repetitive tasks. This is another client Git client having an active development life cycle with continuous optimization of the features and functions. Take a look at some of the useful and handy features of this powerful graphical Git client.
  • Light and blazing fast - The moment you'll start using this Git client, you'll realize that it's comparatively very light on system resources.
  • Free to use - This is yet another free to use graphical Git client without any kind of hidden restrictions.
  • Command line support - Power user can also take advantage of its support for useful and flexible command line options to speed up the tasks.
  • Configurable logging options - Users can also instruct the application to generate custom log files matching with your needs.

GitEye Graphical Git Client
GitEye - Companies with large teams working in distributed environment can use this premium Git client to manage their important projects with ease. No matter where your repositories are stored, this application can pull them with ease. It has a dedicated module for tracking file changes so that teams can easily work on the same file without any conflicts. It can also integrate itself with several 3rd party developer-oriented services to ease the entire project management process. Let's check out some of the intuitive and user-friendly features included in this flexible graphical Git client.
  • Excellent interface - It has a powerful and feature packed interface which allows even beginners to manage repositories with ease.
  • User friendly history management - One can easily go back to the timeline to easily track, observe and edit the change made in the repository.
  • Dedicated support - Since it is a premium solution, you'll get exceptional support to get more out of this Git client.
  • Maintenance free - This application receives major updates and patches in the background so you're free of worrying about updating this Git client.

GitUp - Mac users can also try out this feature-packed Git client which includes some user friendly features. Its blame viewer is one of the best and allows team leaders to inspect file change history in a better way while working with large teams. Handy redo option allows newbies to revert to the old state without worrying about changes made inadvertently. Make sure you're running Mac OS X 10.6+ to run this Git client. Its file filter function allows you to quickly locate files in a large collapsed source tree. So, let's see some of its features and functions one can use to manage his Git repositories.
  • Easy conflict resolving - Users often panic whenever a branch conflict arises while working with repositories. This application help you resolve it in an easy way.
  • Powerful file history viewer - Each team member can view the complete file change history in two different formats.
  • Live map - Easy map visualization of the entire repository ensures you can easily pick and choose the work area without any issues.
  • Quick shortcut keys - Power users can master the shortcut keys to complete the tasks at a lightning pace saving lot of time.

GitX-dev - And last but not the least, this handy Git client is another option for Mac users which has a nice and user friendly interface. It displays file changes in a very nice format to easily visualize the changes. Although it's a free Git client, yet it has full drag 'n' drop support. Developers can also use its blame view to keep an eye on the team members and the work they're doing on the code base. Unlike other clients, this one performs smoothly even when working with very huge repositories. Do check out these handy and very useful features that are part of this powerful Git client made for teams.
  • Less memory usage - I've tested it thoroughly and found that is it very memory efficient and works seamlessly on low end machines too.
  • Integrated command line tool - Professionals and power users can take the advantage of its command line module to perform complex tasks with ease.
  • Author & revision based search - Team leaders can easily perform quick search within repository based on specific author and revision history.
  • Easy source tree scanning - The user friendly interface facilitates quick and easy scanning of a large source tree.

8min Read

Almost every development and software projects, commercial or personal, are now using Git for version control. In this article, we will explain what Git is at a glance and recommend the best Git GUI clients for various platforms.

  • Git Clients for Linux
  • Git Clients for Windows
  • Git Clients for Mac
  • Cross-platform Git Clients

Git Command Line For Mac

What Is Git?

Git is a popular open-source version control system among developers. Originally, it was designed for collaborative projects between developers. Git is mostly used to store content and code in repositories.

The system also provides an environment where the code can be changed, with the revisions saved for future use. The repositories are stored in a remote server but are locally saved in every team member’s computers.

Git can be accessed and managed using command line tools. But if you’re new to Git, then you might want to start with something more manageable.

Graphical User Interface (GUI) clients are tools that provide alternative visualization for Git.

Check our in-depth explanation on Git if you need more information. To know about the best Git GUI clients for platforms such as Linux, Windows, and Mac, keep on scrolling.

Git Clients for Linux

Looking for Git GUI clients that work on Linux and choosing the one that is compatible for you can be time-consuming. To make it much easier, we’ve listed some for you:

1. QGit

QGit is a free Git GUI for Linux that can graphically show different branches and allows you to see patch content and changes in files. With this tool, you can view archive trees, file histories, revisions, and diffs.

You’re also able to compare files, and visually change modified content using QGit. Applying or formatting patch series from selected commits, and moving commits between two QGit instances are also possible.

You can use the same semantic of Git commits to create new patches and implement common StGit commands. Scripts and commands sequences can be connected to a custom action.

2. Gitg

The user interface of Gitg is straightforward to use. It can open existing Git repositories saved in your computer. You can download the software for free, and it has a GPLv2 license. Remote repositories can also be viewed using Gitg.

Gitg enables you to perform common Git operations, browse commits, and preview files. You can see commit messages, untracked and unstaged commits through the commit view.

Git Programs For Mac

The downside of this tool is that large files tend to load slower, and it doesn’t show a project’s history.

3. Git Force

Git Force is a visual front-end tool for Git that runs on Linux as well as Windows, and it’s free to download. This software will help beginners as the interface is intuitive with a drag and drop feature, and it can be used solely without calling a command line Git tool.

You can create multiple Git repositories and branches, managing them all using Git Force. The tool is able to support one or more remote repositories and can quickly scan local ones.

The work you do in a git repository will be picked up by Git Force on the first refresh. However, it only works on most common Git commands, and because of that, it doesn’t keep any detailed state information.

Git Clients for Windows

There are also Git GUI clients that work well on Windows platforms. We’ve picked the top ones for you:

1. Sourcetree

Sourcetree is a free Git GUI client and can work on both Windows or Mac. This tool is simple to use yet powerful, making it perfect for both beginners and advanced users. The clean and elegant interface makes it effortless and enjoyable to navigate through.

It’s a fully featured GUI that makes your Git projects efficient and easier. It can support large Git files and visualize it with detailed branching diagrams, making it easy for you and your team members to see the progress.

The local commit search allows you to find file changes, commits, and branches while the remote repo manager lets you search and clone remote repositories within Sourcetree. You can also get clear and clean commits with the interactive rebase tool.

2. GitHub


If your remote repository is at GitHub, then this tool will be the most useful for you. The software is basically an extension of your work-flow in GitHub. By simply login in using your GitHub account, you can start working on your repositories.

GitHub Desktop is a free and open source Git GUI client. It has an intuitive interface that allows you to manage code without you needing to type commands. You can make new or add local repositories and perform Git operations with ease.

Git app for mac

Creating branches and switching to existing ones isn’t a hassle, so is merging code with the master branch. Furthermore, you can track your changes with GitHub Desktop.

3. Tortoise Git

This open source and free software is a Windows shell interface for Git. It can be used in a commercial environment and be developed to your own version as well. Tortoise Git can be used with other development tools and any type of files.

It supports regular tasks like commit, creating branches and tags, showing logs, and so on. The tool is straightforward to use as commands are accessible straight from Windows Explorer. The dialogs are descriptive, and you’re able to move files by dragging them.

There are tools such as TortoiseGitMerge that help resolve conflicts and lets you see the changes you made to your files. It has a spell checker to log messages and auto-completion for keywords and paths. It’s also available in 30 different languages.

Git Clients for Mac

For Mac users, no need to worry as there are developers who’ve created Git GUI clients that run on Mac. A few of the recommended ones are:

1. GitUp

GitUp is a Git GUI client specifically for Mac users. It’s free to download, open source, and comes with GitUpKit – a toolkit that lets you build Git apps. The tool is easy to use and allows you to see your branches and merges clearly.

If you’re new to Git, GitUp offers a safe environment for you to learn and experiment. The interface is clutter-free, and it has a Live Map feature that lets you see your project’s progress without refreshing. Plus the Undo and Snapshot features enable you to change and record your steps.

Speed is one of the best things when it comes to GitUp. Not only it can load 40,000 commits in less than a second, but you can also instantly search for commits, branches, and tags in the repository. Git operations can’t get any quicker either since the tool is fully featured.

2. GitBox

This GIt GUI client has claimed that working with Git commands and operations can be easy as checking your mail. Well, it’s true since the tool allows you to commit, pull, and push code changes with one click.

With GitBox, you can automatically retrieve new commit from your server, avoiding merge commits and conflicts. You can also search for commits in the repository history by author or description.

Adding and undoing commands such as branch reset, cherry picking, and rebase is pretty straightforward as well when using GitBox.

You can download the software for free, and it’s also available on the Mac App Store with a license for $14.99. If you’re a student, you can get a 50% discount by scanning your student ID.

3. GitX-dev

GitX-dev is a free Git client for Mac, designed and created to be a first-class, maintainable tool for active developers. The tool is specialized for software developers, and it’s full-featured for most Git work-flows.

Git programs for mac catalina

You can browse your repository history and view a nicely arranged diff of any revision. Plus you will also be able to see a complete tree of the revisions.

You can copy files by dragging them out of the tree and dropping them into your system or preview them with QuickLook.

Upgrade Git On Mac

Changes can be searched based on the author or subject. GitX-dev supports large repositories and all parameters of git-rev-list as well.

Git Programs For Machine Learning

Cross-platform Git Clients

If you’re looking for Git clients that are all-rounders that can run in Linux, Windows, or Mac platforms, we’ve compiled a list below:

1. GitKraken

GitKraken is not only reliable, efficient, visually nice and stylish to use, but it also makes git operations understandable and enjoyable. Its interface is intuitive as it allows users to quickly perform basic actions, and has a drag and drop feature.

What is more, you can easily fix mistakes with one click.

The tool has a built-in code editor where you can start a new project and edit the files directly in GitKraken. Plus it lets you track your tasks as it can sync with GitHub in real time, organize tasks in the calendar view, and mention team members to notify them about updates.

The software is free for non-commercial use. But there are GitKraken Pro and Enterprise for business owners to use as well. Each cost $4.08/month and $8.25/month respectively.

2. SmartGit

Just like its name, this powerful Git GUI client has a smart interface that looks and works the same across different platforms.

It has a single-view feature where you can see your index, working tree, and commands all in the Log window.

The tool lets you compare or merge files and edit them side-by-side. It can resolve merge conflicts by using the Conflict Solver. SmartGit also provides SSH client, an improved rebase performance and Git-Flow that allows you to configure branches without additional tools.

It integrates with popular Git platforms such as GitHub and BitBucket, making collaborative pull requests and code reviews easier.

The software is free to download. For commercial use, you can purchase a SmartGit license in a single payment ‒ $129 for a year to $319 for a lifetime or subscribe monthly for $8.99.

3. Git Cola

Git Cola is a simple yet powerful Git client that was developed using Python, and it’s free to use. The interface is made of multiple tools that you can hide and rearrange to your needs. The four panes of the interface allow you to view separate aspects of your project.

It also has Git-Dag, a Dag visualizer for commits and branches and the list of keyboard shortcuts is useful for an efficient and quicker work-flow.

Moreover, Git Cola will remember your work layout and restore it back to how it was the next time it’s launched.

Other than supporting custom GUI settings, the tool has language settings as well. Since Git Cola is open source, the tool is easy to maintain and update.

4. Aurees

Aurees is a multi-platform Git client that is simple and fast to use, plus free to download. Its interface is intuitive and clean. The tool aims to provide a smooth environment for users to view, edit, and publish Git files.

Git Mac Client

You need to log in to your GitHub account to use it.

Aurees shows commit and merging changes in side by side windows, making it effortless for you to trace back and resolve conflicts quickly. Tags are color coded so that you can navigate through the repo with ease.

With Aurees you can get an idea of which team member make what changes as it allows you to explore all documents. You can also indent merge commits to see line numbers or differences when comparing documents.


Git has become a necessity when it comes to managing collaborative development projects. However, it also has a high learning curve. Therefore, to make it easier for newcomers, developers have created Git Graphical User Interface clients for various platforms.

Let’s look back at the list once more,

Linux Git Clients:

  • QGit ‒ hassle-free Git GUI for Linux and it doesn’t cost a dime.
  • Gitg ‒ you can view your repositories and it allows you to do common Git operations.
  • Git Force ‒ beginners in Git can make use of this tool as it has an intuitive interface and it’s free to download.

Windows Git Clients:

  • Sourcetree ‒ great for newcomers and experts in Git. A powerful tool, yet free and simple.
  • GitHub for Windows ‒ a Git GUI where you can work on your project, visualize and track the workflow of your GitHub repositories.
  • Tortoise Git ‒ an open source and free Git GUI for Windows, straightforward to use and can be used with other development tools.

Mac Git Clients:

  • GitUp ‒ a safe environment to learn Git and experiment with. It’s also free, fast and easy to use.
  • GitBox ‒ free for non-profit use and makes working with Git as easy as checking the mail.
  • Git-Xdev ‒ designed to be a top and maintainable Git GUI. It’s free and full-featured for most workflows.

Multi-Platform Git Clients:

  • Git Kraken ‒ has a free version, reliable, makes Git understandable, and visually appealing.
  • SmartGit ‒ the interface is smart looking indeed and easy to use, free to download for non-commercial use.
  • Git Cola ‒ a free, simple yet powerful Git client that makes work-flows quick and efficient.
  • Aurees ‒ an easy to use free Git GUI client that enables users to work on Git operations effortlessly.

Enjoy going through the list and have fun checking them out. Good luck in finding the right Git GUI client for your project!